
a002 黑熊超超 獼猴浩浩
a002 黑熊超超 獼猴浩浩
a002 黑熊超超 獼猴浩浩
a002 黑熊超超 獼猴浩浩

* a002 黑熊超超 獼猴浩浩

售價 $ 200
特惠價 $ 180

商品編號 : a002
黑熊超超 獼猴浩浩夜光磁鐵
黑熊超超 Black Bear Chao-Chao
Black Bear Chao-Chao has a calm personality. It is kind and loves to make new friends. It enjoys studying food and working out. It will do its best to achieve its goal. Although it has already tasted all kinds of food around the world, its favorite is still Taiwan’s special snacks. It is a right foodie!
獼猴浩浩 Formosan Macaque Hao-Hao
Formosan Macaque Hao-Hao is upright and cheerful. It enjoys to travel around and powerlifting. It is really alike Sun Wukong because of how it is alive and kicking. It likes the beautiful view of Mother Nature and exploring it. It also likes the hot sceneries of Taiwan’s cities. It is a right traveler.

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